How to get a gig
Artist bookings are dealt with by email only. If you’d like to play, please send an email to [email protected] with details about your music, plus links to your website, and links to listen to your music. It’s also helpful if you tell us a bit of your gigging history and if you have any YouTube clips or similar, please include these as it helps give us an idea of your live sound. Please DO NOT send MP3s or other large attachments, as they clog up our inbox. Similarly, we no longer accept physical demos, so please don’t send anything by post, unless requested.
If you’ve sent an email and we have a slot for you, we will contact you. However, this could take a while, as we receive many emails every day from both musicians and agents/promoters requesting to play. Please do not phone to ask whether we have received your email – all bookings are dealt with by email only. If you haven’t heard back from us and are worried we may not have received your email, you may wish to re-send it, but we would recommend waiting at least 3 months before doing so.
If we require further information or wish to discuss a booking we will be in touch. Due to the sheer volume of emails we receive, it is unfortunately not possible for us to respond personally to everyone who contacts us.
Thank you for your understanding.
Our Music Policy

Open mic
We run two monthly open mics – one evening and one matinée event. These are usually held on the last Tuesday (evening) and the third Sunday (afternoon) of the month (with a few exceptions – see events listings to confirm). If you’d like to perform at our open mic we’d love to see you, and we’re sure you’ll leave the night with new friends and contacts!
Performers do not need to pre-book a slot. Just turn up on the day! Slots will be allocated on a first come first served basis, so we recommend arriving early. Audience tickets are available in advance by booking online. On the night please arrive by 7.15pm (Tues evening open mic) and by 1.15pm (Sun matinee open mic) to book your place.
Entry is FREE for performers, and £3 in advance for audience members (pre-booking also recommended) or £6 on the door.
2 songs per artist. We have a full PA system and an in house keyboard but no backline, so bring whatever you need. Unfortunately we are not able to accommodate backing tracks.
More info & dates can be found at this link: https://www.greennote.co.uk/production/open-mic-hosted-by-rob-thom/
If you're already booked to play
Audio & Video Recording
Multi-track Audio only: £40
Audio + 1 Video Camera: £80
Each additional video camera: £30
(All prices + 20% VAT)
Example video shot with 4 cameras and mixed/edited later by our go-to video editor:
*NB. Not all shows are recorded/filmed without pre-arrangement, so purchasing after the show is not always an option if it hasn’t been pre-requested.
Multi-track Audio + 3 Cameras: £162.50 (+ VAT) and you receive the raw footage from 3 fixed cameras + multitrack audio from the desk and a pair of room mics.
For a finished, edited example of the basement video see here:
NB. Fees paid BEFORE the performance ensure a much faster transfer of the footage. Fees are based on 90-100 minutes of music over one to three sets. Price is for unedited raw footage/audio. Editing services available upon request.
Green Note Tech Spec
Accommodation for musicians
Loading in + Parking
If you are playing at Green Note and travelling by car, please be aware of the harsh NEW PARKING REGULATIONS outside our venue:
Parking is no longer free from 6.30pm.
On Parkway, parking is now pay & display until 11pm and you can only park for a maximum of 2 hours. This pay & display parking is only available from 6.30pm, so not much help for the whole evening.
There is absolutely no parking Monday – Friday 4pm – 6.30pm but unloading outside with hazards can be done at your own risk (but keep an eye out for wardens if you do so!)
For this reason, we suggest parking in Gloucester Avenue and surrounding streets (free on weekends and on Mon-Fri from 6pm) or Albert Street (free Mon-Fri from 6.30pm and Sat-Sun from 5.30pm in bays with CA-F and some pay & display bays)
Do check signs as things change at short notice!